
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mother Goose

Looking out the back window of the house on this hot Saturday afternoon, I see my wife and two little girls walking back from the playground.  Mama is leading these battle weary warriors after a successful conquest of the playground. Lalia, the 4 year old, is nipping at the heels of her mom while Brielle, the 2 year old, is lagging just a little bit further behind.  They seem to be traveling more in their minds than on their feet.  Maybe considering the victory experienced at the park or maybe thinking about some future campaigns in a foreign land or maybe just thinking about how hot they feel in the 90 plus degree heat.  Before they get too lost in their thoughts, Brielle has realized that she is drifting too far from the pack for her comfort.  She begins to churn her little legs and races past Lalia and past her mama to make sure she is back in her comfort zone.  And before you know it, they have joined me back in the safety of our home.  Rosy cheeks, sweaty faces, and hair all over the place are evidence of their battle. 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Let It Be

A little intimidated. That is how I feel about the start of creating a blog about my life as a Grandpa Daddy. Still trying to remember who called me that the first time, but it is appropriate for me. I have three daughters. My oldest is 25 years old, then I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Oh by the way, the two little ones are also aunties. They still laugh when I tell them that. I do too. I have two grandchildren: a 5 year old boy and a 3 year old girl. It is always interesting when I hear Grandpa and then Dada coming from this group of 4 little ones. Needless to say, my life is rich and I love it. My wife and little ones recently moved from Virginia to Texas so that I could be closer to my oldest daughter and grandchildren. I am happy to be here, and I hope that the good Lord gives me many years to experience the growth of these young children. That is what this is all about. I hope to share my many adventures and lessons that I learn along the way. Maybe it will entertain a little as well. So let's begin.